JNP Disney presents this 1997 "DA series" $10 Disney Dollar that was distributed by Walt Disney World. These are the 25th Anniversary “It's Time To Remember The Magic” notes designed to honor Walt Disney World. It features Simba on the front and the iconic Earffel Tower representing Disney-MGM Studios (now Hollywood Studios) on the back. The back of the bill prominently displays 25 on Cinderella's Carriage with Mickey, Goofy, Genie, and Simba above "Walt Disney World" on the right side of the bill. "It's Time To Remember The Magic" is wrapped around a wavy silhouette of Mickey on the left side of the bill.
Serial number D00099440A
Grade - PMG 58 Choice About Unc EPQ
1997 "DA Series" Simba Disney Dollar - PMG 58 Choice About Unc EPQ
Grade - PMG 58 Choice About Unc EPQ
Featured - Simba
Denomination - $10.00
Year - 1997
Serial Number: D00099440A